August 26, 2024 at 11:44PM

Let us all have our own websites!

LuvstarKei talking about how fun it is to have your own website which you can put anything on.

I personally believe that what I would call fake professionalism (that’s the one where you pretend to be different from who and how you actually are) will destroy your creativity quickly, so to thine self be true.

Yeah, sure, having a portfolio website is all cool and sh*t, but I believe that if you like to make friends and get to know cool people in your field (and in others) giving them what is basically your business card after a cool hang is mental.

I will have a portfolio section, sure, of course, but come on! How drab would that be! I am not building these fun little things so that nobody gets to see them because I could possibly confuse my “customers” in my “niche”.

Reading that last paragraph again, that actually sounds like putting a cage around my soul.

Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code & Canvas

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