August 28, 2024 at 04:38AM

Where was I?

During graphic design study, we had what I thought was a too short semester of video class, as in moving pictures, you know, storyboarding, types of shots and crops, animation in 2d and 3d.

And my professor then was really amazed by the show called “Devs”, and how the sfx and computer generated effects looked and worked in that show, so of course I incidentally already had that CineFex magazine issue #171 with the long article about some of the video effects in that show, and I sent him the article, because I was so amazed by it as well, still am.

To this day, I still wonder what he thought of that, a student, out of nowhere, pulling up an article from the only issue of a magazine he has bought a couple of weeks before, talking about a show he thought was neat. Serendipity? Attempted bribery?

So anyway, here are a couple of links about Devs, for me and you:


ps: since my archival system at (that is my URL by the way 😎) is working nicely, you don’t even have to log in anywhere to have access to what I am up to on my socials these days. You can search it, too (if you were around at that time, I like making things which are searchable, like I did with my year‑long project where you could access a plethora of graphic design feeds, search them and use them).

That project still exists in a way, since I am not in the habit of destroyng things; it just isn’t part of the clear web anymore.

Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code & Canvas


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