August 28, 2024 at 05:13PM

Since I got my feed‑server up and running again (which means I also got my feed reader apps pointing to this main hub), I am now tuned back into what the design and art world is doing, above a certain threshold of notability of course (for the cool stuff I still need to dig into it, talk to people directly, you know, get a connection; magazines and websites can’t reasonably be expected to allocate resources to writing articles for single‑digit audiences).

There is a new short series on ARTE called “Change by Design”, which you can check out here. I will watch it later as well. It seems to revolve around sustainable products, so I know the products are not for everyone, for various reasons.

I personally like to keep that connection I have made last year to the arts and crafts community, during a seminar for my alma mater’s alumni about what we call “Kunsthandwerk”.


Bonus: “Typographic Video Gaming”, an episode from the series “Art of Gaming”, also on ARTE.

Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code & Canvas

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