Tag: code and canvas

  • September 19, 2024 at 07:54AM

    Found an image of an LP cover I want to rotate, so that I can see the animation. This is tricky so far, trying to figure out how 33⅓ rounds per minute translates into how man rotations with how many frames per second. After I have spent an hour or two on experimentation, I now…

  • September 16, 2024 at 01:46AM

    There is a need beneath the need to communicate. I have it. Maybe you have it, too. Maybe, like I was before, your mind has been clogged up by projects never finished but also not abandoned. Maybe reading server logs when you are bored is a thing you do, too. I realized in ’23 how…

  • September 12, 2024 at 10:13PM

    Signed up for the Art Nest Academy for their free course, just to get back into my own system, and to see how and where homework overlaps between their and my stuff. People spend so much time on showing off their finished work, that the whole scene has this Wunderkind air: everyone practiced, but from…

  • September 12, 2024 at 09:09PM

    codeandcanvas: I have been kicking around this idea during my graphic design study for a while, since I am nothing but ambitious (and I have a few fond memories of this working before, to my benefit): to actually put in the workload for each topic related to graphic design and applied arts. Hi. I am…

  • September 12, 2024 at 07:44PM

    codeandcanvas: brucesterling: Tumblr will move all of its blogs to WordPress — and you might not even notice Soon, all of the blogs on Tumblr will be hosted on WordPress. Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com and Tumblr, announced on Wednesday that it will start to move the site’s half a billion blogs to the…

  • September 6, 2024 at 06:48AM

    There have been a few notes from a certain cartoon from Japan playing in my head while catching them all. For now, I am done with my websites. I even switched my main website from Times New Roman over to Georgia. Should I find the time, I will study Willberg and Forssman’s Lesetypografie to find…

  • September 4, 2024 at 04:27AM

    Finally managed to launch the most difficult project I have been trying to do since 2013! It took me almost twice as long as my fellow students to complete my study, and still this project baffled me more. When the time comes, I will talk about it more. Suffice it to say that relaxation over…

  • September 3, 2024 at 06:16PM

    Over the last few days, I went from not having a website to having my own website, having a social wall, having a blog, and basically linking everything to everything. I have also added a blogroll, so that people can actually leave my website following their own urge to surf the web. But I think…

  • September 3, 2024 at 04:32AM

    To be “against” narrative identity is to recognize that we’re unreliable narrators. Unreliable both because we’re too close to ourselves to get a clear picture, and because we could never accurately reduce who we are to a single story. Nico Chilla, “On Rejecting Narrative Identity”, 2022 Source: https://www.are.na/editorial/on-rejecting-narrative-identity Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code &…

  • September 1, 2024 at 12:55AM

    When night comes, I cherish the silence of my laptop: the soft taps of the keys, the silent touchpad for mouse movement and input. It all becomes so full of intent, like playing piano silently, because the music plays inside of you. I was never much of a friend of the hubbub, I’d say Source:…

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