August 26, 2024 at 07:25PM

On the topic of music, some years ago, I was listening to Isaac Arthur’s various podcast episodes about science fiction and besides enjoying them, I also noticed certain pieces of music he used in his videos which just sounded right for cosmic exploration, and the awe you feel when looking up.

The music he used in those episodes was by the musician Frank Dorittke, also known as F.D. Project, and the particular album Isaac Arthur used a lot at the time (and I enjoyed, later, listening to it myself after signing up on the website offering it) is called Mare Tranquilitatis, and you can find it here.

As a bonus for the shephards and gardeners among my mutuals, Arthur is talking about how he feels about Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis here, a hypothesis which played not a small role in my bachelor’s thesis in graphic design about signaletics for life on Mars, thanks to my mentor, Professor Ken Lanig, who you can listen to giving two book recommendations in German here.

Still enjoying what I now realize is my sabbatical, and in the mood for being real: my life is connected to itself.

Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code & Canvas

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