September 4, 2024 at 04:27AM

Finally managed to launch the most difficult project I have been trying to do since 2013! It took me almost twice as long as my fellow students to complete my study, and still this project baffled me more.

When the time comes, I will talk about it more. Suffice it to say that relaxation over not having to carry something anymore does not make for ecstasy, rather, you notice a weight through its absence.

Its a portfolio. It is somewhere out there. It is the first step towards a future which tried to exist since 2013.

May the ghosts find a home now. Read the tags below for how plagued I was by it. Or rather, by my own strange feelings about it. Overburdened with symbolism. Gha.

Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code & Canvas

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