September 12, 2024 at 07:44PM



Soon, all of the blogs on Tumblr will be hosted on WordPress. Automattic, the parent company of and Tumblr, announced on Wednesday that it will start to move the site’s half a billion blogs to the new WordPress-based backend.

This update shouldn’t affect the way Tumblr works for users, whom Automattic promises won’t notice any difference after the migration. Automattic says the change will make it easier to ship new features across both platforms and let Tumblr run on the stable infrastructure of ( is a private hosting service built on the open-source WordPress content management software.)

“We can build something once and bring it to both WordPress and Tumblr,” the post reads. “Tumblr will benefit from the collective effort that goes into the open source WordPress project.” However, Automattic acknowledges that the move “won’t be easy.” It also doesn’t say when the migration will be complete.

Since acquiring Tumblr in 2019, Automattic has set its sights on revitalizing the once-thriving blogging platform with mixed results. After running experiments with live video and considering “core experience” changes to attract new users, Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg wrote in a memo that Automattic was reassigning much of the Tumblr team to other projects, saying its long-term goal would be operating Tumblr in “the most smooth and efficient manner.”

I am making backups of @aminotes, @ranthoughts, @storytellingbox, and @thereadingspace just in case, using TumblThree, free and open source Tumblr and Twitter blog backup application, hosted on GitHub.

I have a feeling that abandoned accounts will not get carried over from here to there, so why not risk being wrong later on?

with @creativemorningslosangeles, @creativemorningsvancouver, @creativemorningstoronto, @creativemorningsbogota, and @creativemorningsaustin still around, considering to make backups of your own work makes a lot of sense now.

Hey @staff, I think you should look into this mix‑up of deleting all of these chapter blogs.

Everyone else: I have used for my backups. You know, just in case.

Source: My after‑hours blog on Tumblr Code & Canvas


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